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Places in 1891 Census
Only pre-1900 entries are included at the moment.
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McAleese McAllister McAlpine McAlroy McAnulty McAra McArdle McBretney McBride McCaffrey McCall McCallum McCann McCarthy McCartney McClay McClean McCloy McClure McCombie McConaghy McCone McConnell McConney McCormack McCormick McCout McCulloch McCurrie McDermid McDermott McDonald McDonnell McDowell McEvoy McEwan McFadden McFarlane McGann McGarity McGarvey McGeaughan McGee McGhee McGilvary McGowan McGrachan McGregor McGuinness McGuire McHale McHamish McHugh McIlvaney McIlwaine McInnes McIntyre McKay McKean McKenna McKensie McKenzie-Barnes McKenzie-Nall McKercher McKie McKinley McKinnon McLachlan McLaglen McLauchlan McLaughlan McLean McLellan McLoughlin McMahon McMichael McMilan McMorrow McMurchy McNamara McNanaey McNay McNeil McNeill McNicholas MvNicol McPhee McPhearson McQuade McSherry McSorley McTurk McVeagh McVittie McVoy McWilliam McWilliams
Meachin Meade Meadley Meadows Mear Mears Mecaj Medd Meddings Medlin Medori Meech Meekham Meekins Meeson Meggitt Megson Melbourne Meldrum Melia Mellish Mellor Melton Melville-Smith Melvin Mence Meldel Mepham Mercer Mercier Meredith Merifield Merrett Merrick Merrin Merrington Merritt Merryweather Mervyn Mesban Mesey-Thompson Metcalf Metcalfe Metherell Methven Meyer
Micera Michael Michaelis Michaud Michel Micklethwaite Middlebrook Middleton Middlewood Midgley Miers Miesner Milbank Milburn Mildren Miles Milestone Millar Millea Miller Millett Millgate Milligan Milling Millington Mills Millward Millwaters Miln Milne Milner Milnes Milnthorp Milsom Milthorp Milthorpe Milton Minahen Mines Minikin Minnis Minns Minogue Mintran Miraftab Misseldine Mitchell Mitton
Moffatt Moger Moisley Mole Mollard Molloy Molyneaux Monaghan Moncrieff Money Monkhouse Monkman Monks Moodie Moody Moon Moor Moore Moore-Howell Moorey Moorhouse Moors Moran Moreton Morfitt Morgan Morhouse Moriarty Morland Morley Morphet Morrell Morris Morrison Morritt Morrow Mortimer Morton Moseley Mosey Mosley Moss Moss-Blundell Mossey Mossom Mothersdale Motola Mott Mould Moulton Mount Mountain Mountcastle Mountford Mousley Moveley Moverley Movley Mowatt Moxon
Muckle Mudd Muir Muldoon Mulholland Mullaney Mullen Mullier Mulligan Mulrooney Mulvaney Mulvenna Mumford Mundy Mungovin Munn Munning Munro Munroe Munson Munt Munton Murfin Murgatroyd Murphy Murphy-Brown Murray Murrell Muscroft Musgrave Musgrove Musham Musk Mustell Mustoe
Myers Myles Myrtle Mysil
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