In Praise
of Harrogate
The Town whose Praise the writer sings,
The Town of many pleasant things,
The “Town of Celebrated Springs”.
It is, indeed, a lovely spot,
A reputation it has got
That's well deserved, and means a lot.
There's beauty round, look where you may,
The Valley Gardens or the Stray
Your close attention will repay.
Is there a Township the competes
With Harrogate? Such splendid streets
Of classic grace one seldom meets.
It's many waters, known to fame,
Have justly gained a mighty name,
And justify the powers they claim.
Its baths are highly curative,
And benefit to thousands give,
Throughout all time their name will live.
While shop and bank and fine hotel
Proclaim the Town is faring well,
Your admiration they compel.
But leave the Town and walk abroad,
Each journey will a treat afford,
And beauty spots your search reward.
There, moor and glen and waterfall
Attention to their merits call,
Provide a feast for one and all.
While craven, rock, and precipice,
Appear to point, with emphasis,
“Here's grandeur one should never Miss”.
My steps are often drawn toward
Fair Yorkshire with its acres broad,
Where pleasure's meet, and health restored.
I hail thee, Town immaculate,
Thy claims deservedly are great,
Inimitable Harrogate!