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Explanatory Preface


I am writing this little work on exactly the same lines as I did a similar one on the Mineral Waters of Leamington.

I thank Mr Symons, FRS., the author of British Rainfall, for lending me his books, so as to enable me to compile a table of statistics for the last ten years; also Mr Turner-Taylor, the Town Clerk of Harrogate, for information with reference to the death rate. I likewise owe a debt of gratitude to Mr G. Paul, of Harrogate, for his able assistance in the geological and climatological part of the work.

I have arranged a table of the mineral waters of Harrogate for comparison with those of Germany and others of this country, from works of Braun and Martindale, and for the assistance in compiling this I thank Mr Eynon, chemist, Harrogate.

In the context, wherever specific views are given upon any subject, I have inscribed the name of the authority for the same.

Finally, my thanks are due to that distinguished physician, Dr Mitchell Bruce, an old fellow-student and a life-long friend, for allowing me to pick some crumbs from his masterly work on Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

It is just possible that by the time this work is in print, what is called "an official analysis" of the Harrogate waters may be published by the Corpora­tion.

When that is done, I will instruct my publishers to send a copy of the same to all purchasers of this work.

The reader, however, may rely upon my new analysis, which he will find later on in these pages, being, in every respect, thoroughly trustworthy and accurate. 




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