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The Borough Water Supply


Drainage, however effectual, must be accompanied with a good domestic water supply. Fortunately for all concerned, this Harrogate possesses.

There are two sources at present, viz., Beaver Dyke, and Haverah Park. There are, in addition, two service reservoirs, viz., Harlow Hill, and Irongate, Bridge Road. 

The sources being more or less removed from habitation, are collected from watersheds and moors, where little else is heard save the crowing of the cock grouse, the barking of the shepherd's dog, the bleating of the lamb, and the tinkling of its mother's bell. They are, therefore, perfectly pure and free from organic matter, - plentiful, and without hardness. It is not only for drinking and culinary purposes that the water supply is excellent. Its softness and purity make the morning ablutions a treat, and add whiteness and lustre to our linen. 

Those of us who revel in a "morning tub," know the luxury of floundering in its velvety liquidity, with no hardness to irritate the skin, but everything to soften, and make clear the complexion!


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