Peter Dunwell - 13th April 1742 -
Birstwith, Parish of Hampsthwaite, Yeoman
I give my ancient building, two barns and 3a 3r
and two pennyworth of land in hamlet of Birstwith, Township of
Clint, now occupied by me, to my son John Dunwell, of Kirk
I give my ancient building with the mistal and
two garths of 11/2 acres, to my son John, chargeable with £20 to
my son Peter Dunwell, tailor. Also chargeable with a further £4
for his share of tithe.
To my son Thomas Dunwell the brewhouse, stable,
turf house and the two closes called High and Low Garris [&c],
chargeable with £10 to my son Peter, and to my daughter Sarah
Brown [Sarah Dunwell] £10. Also chargeable with a further £4 for
his share of tithe.
To my son William Dunwell, husbandman, the barn
and close called Windall Field of approximately 1 acre, chargeable
with £20 to my wife Hannah Dunwell.
I appoint my son John and my wife as
Witnesses : Ann Carr, William Leuty,
Peter Lax
Proved 19th May 1742