Ellen Turpin - 13th
May 1730 - M024
My real estate house and land of 1½
acres to my son John Turpin, chargeable with : £10 to my
grandson William Turpin; £10 to my grandson John Turpin,
son of Thomas Turpin; also to four of my grandchildren, Richard
Harrison, John Harrison, Robert Harrison, ??? [Probably
Ursula] Harrison, £5 each payable after the death of their
mother Dorothy Harrison.
My son John is to pay an annual interest on the above
£20 to my daughter Dorothy Harrison [Dorothy Turpin].
He is also to pay to my sons Phillip Turpin and William
Turpin a guinea each, and to my daughters Dorothy and ????
[Probably Ursula] a guinea each.
He is also to pay an annuity of £1 to my son William.
He is to divide my personal estate amongst his brothers and
Residue of my goods and chattels to my son John whom I
appoint Executor.
Witnesses : Thomas Atkinson, John Gill, junior, Thomas