Isabel Myers - 1st
December 1752 - O052
Myself and my husband, Arthur Myers, did, on the 29th
May 1751, surrender a house and land called Back Close, Wood Bush,
Bottom Close, Broad Dale, Laiths Close, Kettlesing Field, Day Mowing,
Three Rood, Annas Ing, and paddock with some pasturing called Armhole
and Bottom Close Head, containing 8a and 2pennyworth, situate in
Kettlesing in the Hamlet of Felliscliffe
I give the above property to my son Arthur Myers and his
wife Elizabeth Myers.
At their death the same to my grandsons Thomas Myers, Robert
Myers, and William Myers.
Some years ago I surrendered part of the premises to my husband Arthur
Myers. He may continue to use them for the rest of his life.
Witnesses : Anne Reynard, William Myers, William Simpson
Inrolled 13th June 1753