Richard Metcalfe - 23rd
June 1773 - R042
Ferrinsby, Yeoman
My building and 3 roods of land in Ferrinsby, now occupied by
myself, to my wife Margaret Metcalfe, and at her death the same
to my younger son Richard Metcalfe.
To my wife an annuity of £4 chargeable to my three closes in
Farnham. Also all my household goods at Ferrinsby, with one cow and
one pig.
To my daughter Ann Metcalfe £20, payable by my son Richard
out of the two closes.
To my son Richard the two closes in Farnham, called Great
and Little Broad Lands.
All my real estate at Farnham, less the above two closes, to my son
John Metcalfe.
To my daughter Ann [named items of bedding &c] and a
further £20, payable by my son John.
To my daughter Jane Metcalfe £18.
To my granddaughter Ann Serjeant, £2, when she reaches 21;
payable by my son John.
Residue of my personal estate to my wife and my son John,
and appoint them Executors.
Witnesses : Thomas Smithson, Isaac Akers, Martin Richardson
Inrolled 6th April 1774