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Places in 1891 Census
Only pre-1900 entries are included at the moment.
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Lea Leach Leachman Leadham Leaf Leafe Leak Leake Learoyd Leatham Leathard Leather Leathley Leavock Lebbon Leckenby Ledger Ledgeway Ledgway Ledie Lee Leech Leedale Leedham Leek Leeming Lees Leeson Leete Legge Leggott Leigh Leighton Lemon Leng Lennard Lennington Lennon Leonard Leslie Lester Lever Leveridge Levy Lewandowski Lewis Leyland
Lickley Liddell Liddle Lifford Light Lightfoot Lightowler Lilley Limbert Lin Lind Lindley Lindquist Lindsley Lines Linfoot Linforth Lingard Linley Linney Linscott Linskill Linsley Lipp Lismore List Lister Liston Litchfield Little Littlejohn Littlewood Liversidge Livesey Livesley Livingstone
Lochtie Locke Lockeron Lockwood Lockyer Lodge Lofthouse Loftus Logan Lohmann Lomas Lomas-Walker Lomax Long Longbottom Longfellow Longfield Longhurst Longley Longstaff Lonsdale Lord Lorrimer Lossock Loudon Loughran Loughray Lovatt Love Lovelace Lovell Loveridge Lovering Lowcock Lowe Lowrey Lowson Lowther
Lucas Luddington Ludlow Luffman Lukey Lumb Lumby Lumley Lumsden Lumsdon Lumsley Lund Lunn Lupton Lutton Luty
Lydall Lydon Lye Lyman Lynass Lynch Lynscky Lyon
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