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Places in 1891 Census
Only pre-1900 entries are included at the moment.
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Neal Neale Neals Needham Needs Neely Neesam Neesom Neill Neilson Nelson Nelson-Figg Nesbit Nesling Nesom Ness Nettleton Neville Nevotry Nevsum Newband Newbould Newbury Newby Newcombe Newling Newlove Newman Newport Newsam Newsome Newson Newton Ney
Nichol Nicholas Nicholls Nichols Nicholson Nickell-Lean Nickels Nicklas Nickols Nicoll Niddrie Niepel Nightingale Nisbet Nixon
Noake Noble Noddings Nolan Noland Norbury Norcliffe Norfolk Norman Normington Norris North Northrop Norton Norwood Nottingham Nowell
Nudds Nugent Nunn Nunns Nussey Nutland Nuttall Nutten Nutter
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