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The Montpellier Pleasure Grounds, Baths, and Pump Room, adjoin the Crown Hotel. The grounds are entered through handsome iron gates, and after passing these you come at once to the Pump Room, a small Chinese temple, where three different kinds of water are dispensed, viz. :-Strong sulphur, mild sulphur, and Kissengen, so called from its similarity to the German waters known by that name. The three handsome taps yielding these several waters, stand close together on the counter in the centre of the temple, and communicate with the several wells by means of glass pipes, which, like the Wedgewood-ware tubes of the Royal Pump Room, preserve the character of the waters intact. Leaving the Pump Room, you approach the plain, neat, and substantial-looking building, erected in 1834, containing the baths, (built in 1835, by the late Mr. Thackwray from designs by the late Mr. Andrews, of York) and up the steps of the portico, you enter a handsome vestibule, with a circular dome. On the right hand is the ladies' waiting-room, provided with every accommodation that can be required by the visitors,-and from this room admission is obtained to the suite of baths, vapour, douche, shower, or reclining, all of which are provided with suitable dressing rooms. On the left hand of the vestibule, are the gentlemen's waiting room and baths, similar to those on the opposite side. Both rooms are provided with newspapers for the accommodation of the visitors waiting for baths, and look out on the surrounding pleasure grounds. These grounds are beautifully laid out, and from the arrange. meat adopted, appear much more extensive than they really are. A handsome fountain is playing in front of the baths. An efficient band "discourses eloquent music" morning and afternoon, and here the gay company, attracted by the beauty of the spot, pass away their morning leisure, or enjoy their evening stroll. The tickets issued here are similar to (and dated by the same kind of machine as) railway tickets, and are of different colours so as to specify at once the kind of bath required, and the term of subscription each ticket represents. The Pump Room and Baths are under the management of careful attendants.

The following are the terms to the Pump Room:-

For one person - For one day, 6d. ; one week, 2s ; two weeks, 3s 6d. ; one month, 5s ; the season, 10s 

For a family - One week, 5s ; two weeks, 8s ; one month, 15s; the season, £1 1s 

For bathing - Each person,-hot-air bath, 3s 6d. ; medicated ditto, 4s ; vapour ditto, 3s 6d. ; sulphur vapour douche, 2s 6d. ; or nine ditto, to be paid in advance, £1 1s ; sulphur water douche, 2s 6d. ; or nine ditto, to be paid in advance, £1 1s ; mild sulphur bath, 2s 6d.; or nine ditto, to be paid in advance, £1 1s ; fresh water bath, 2s ; or nine ditto, to be paid in advance, 16s ; shower bath, 1s 6d. ; or fifteen ditto, to be paid in advance, £1; water and shower baths, 3s 6d. ; or nine ditto, to be paid in advance, £1 10s.

In consequence of the annoyance experienced from persons who do not subscribe, and have no right to the privilege of the Musical Promenades in the morning and afternoon, &c., the proprietors have determined upon the following regulations, in order to reserve the grounds as much as possible for the use of subscribers only :-


1.  Any person being a subscriber to the Pump Room for one day, or taking one bath, is entitled to the use of the grounds for one day only.

2.  Any person subscribing to the Pump Room for one week, or taking three baths during the week, or taking two baths and paying 1s, will be entitled to a weekly ticket, not transferable.

3.  Any person subscribing to the Pump Room for two weeks, or taking five baths during the time, or taking three baths during the time and paying 2s, will be entitled to a fortnightly ticket, not transferable.

4.  Any person subscribing to the Pump Room for one month, or taking a course of nine baths, will be entitled to a monthly ticket, not transferable.

5.  Any person subscribing to the Pump Room for the season, will be entitled to a season ticket, not transferable.

6.  Subscribers have the privilege of reading the daily papers in the waiting-room.

7.  Tickets for bathing will not admit to the gardens before or after any person has ceased bathing.

8.  Each subscriber must be provided with a ticket, to be shown to the attendants if required.

The trustees of the late Mrs Thackwray are the proprietors.


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