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Samuel Jackson - 24th March 1819 - AA049

Providence Green, Green Hammerton, Common Brewer

To my eldest son William Jackson the house in which I now live, with the brewhouse, stables and other buildings and land at Providence Green. Also all my real estate at Kirkhampton and Green Hammerton (except the tithes payable out of the land at Green Hammerton belonging to Mr Askam and occupied by Henry Wardells, Richard Hardcastle, and Thomas Inman, which tithes I purchased off the Rev James Geldert). All above subject to :

An annuity of £100 to my wife Isabella Jackson. This to reduce to £40 should she remarry.

£1,000 each to my sons Thomas Jackson and Samuel Jackson one year after the death of my wife.

The residue of my estate to my wife, and my brothers George Jackson and Rev James Jackson Upon Trust that when Samuel becomes 21 to raise £2,000 to invest for the children of William or to pay them if he has died. If no children then this sum to be divided between Thomas and Samuel.

Should all my children die before the above then my estates are to pass to my brothers George, James, and Richard Jackson.

Witnesses : Samuel Powell, George Upton, Matthew Gill

Proved at York 27th October 1820




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