Margaret Stubbs - 8th June 1822 - AA096
Fewston, Widow
My real estate at Thrusscross and personal estate to my brother Thomas Hardisty and my nephew
Joshua Hardisty, son of my late brother Joshua
Hardisty, Upon Trust, to divide the rents in seven parts, and to go to :
Mary Hardisty, widow; Ann Stephenson, widow, my sister; my brother
Thomas Hardisty; Ann Hardisty, widow of my late brother
Samuel Hardisty; James Hardisty, my brother; Joshua
Hardisty, my nephew; Anne Wilkinson, my niece.
£5 each to the son and daughter of John Jeffrey, by his late wife
Ann Jeffrey who was my niece.
Named furniture is then distributed to the above, plus : Margaret
Stephenson, niece; Lydia Stephenson, niece; Charles
Hardisty, nephew; Joshua Hardisty, son of my brother Samuel.
Witnesses : Hannah Robinson, Isaac Horn
Died 11th May 1823. Probate 11th June 1823. Effects under £300
Inventory and valuation by Thomas Hardisty and Joseph Roundell available.