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Richard Hutchinson - 8th January 1756 - P007

Felliscliffe, Parish of Hampsthwaite, Linen Weaver

To my youngest son William Hutchinson my copyhold house and land. Also £100. Non-payment will entitle him to my house at Birstwith, now occupied by Isabel Foster and the adjoining land now occupied by me.

My wife to receive the rents and profits until he reaches 21.

To my daughter Mary Hutchinson, the above £100, after the death of my son. Also a further £100 after my death.

My eldest son John Hutchinson to pay an annuity of £4 to my wife Mary Hutchinson.

Residue of my real and personal estate to my wife and son John, whom I appoint Executors until John reaches 21, when I then appoint him sole Executor.

I appoint my brother-in-law, William Potter, Trustee for my children.

Witnesses : Christopher Harrison, John Dibb, Peter Lax

Codicil - 7th March 1756

My wife to be allowed to live in my house now occupied by Christopher Harrison.

Witnesses : E Bainbridge, Thomas Grayson, Francis West

Inrolled 1st September 1756





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