John Swain - 9th October
1782 - U014
Hardisty Hill, Parish of Fewston, Yeoman
All money and effects to my executor who is to pay to my son John
Swain 5s, my daughters Mary Hainsworth and Sarah
Marjerison 5s each.
My copyhold property at Hardisty Hill, consisting of two houses,
now occupied by William Walmsley and Henry Winterburn,
together with the barn and several parcels of land, I give to my
son-in-law Thomas Robinson of Blubberhouses, Blacksmith,
chargeable with an annuity of £6 to my wife. Also chargeable with
£5 each to my children John, Mary, and Sarah. I
appoint him executor.
Witnesses : William Suttill, Robert Wilkinson, William Pullan
Inrolled 22nd October 1783