Rev Gregory Elsley - 5th August 1785 - V007
Burniston, Clerk
To my wife Mary Elsley all the household contents and my
personal estate, leaving [named items] at her death to my niece Betty
To my nephew Heneage Elsley, of Mount Saint John, Clerk,
my copyhold property at Felliscliffe, which I recently bought off Thomas
Rhodes, also the land on the open pasture in the Forest of
Knaresborough, awarded to myself and Thomas Rhodes. Also my
property in Felliscliffe and Hampsthwaite given to me in
satisfaction and compensation of tithes, Upon Trust to mortgage or
sell sufficient of my real estate and settle my debts.
Residue of Trust for my sister Elizabeth Elsley.
At the death of my wife and sister my real estate to my nephew Heneage,
chargeable with the later mentioned legacies.
My freehold property in Felliscliffe and Hampsthwaite to my wife,
also my house and land at Burniston, and all other property
excepting Horn Barn at Patrick Brompton. At her death the same to my
sister Elizabeth, and at her death to my nephew Heneage.
To my niece Betty £500.
To John Hardy, Edward Hardy, William Hardy, Frances Hardy,
and Elizabeth Hardy, children of my late niece Elizabeth
Hardy, £500 amongst them.
To Miss Alice Fretwell of Burneston £500.
To my nephew Edward Carter £50.
To my godson Thomas Winfield Penny £50.
To my goddaughter Catherine Kitchen, daughter of the Rev
William Kitchen of Pickall, £20.
To my godson Gregory Smith, son of Jacob Smith the
younger of Whitehall on Hutton Moor, £20.
These legacies amount to £1,640.
I request that my nephew Heneage, should he become
entitled to the real estate, and if he has two or more sons living
at that time, that he passes on this property to his sons.
Should Alice Fretwell marry Timothy Hunton then her
legacy is revoked, and the £500 to be divided amongst the Hardy children.
To my sister my house at Patrick Brompton, and at her death the
same to my nephew Gregory Elsley, and at his death the same
to my nephew Heneage.
I appoint my wife executrix.
Witnesses : James Swale, William Glave, Martin Richardson
Codicil - 11th December 1780
The £500 to his niece Betty is reduced to £200.
£50 to his nephew Edward Carter is revoked.
His property at Patrick Brompton has now been sold, therefore the
devise of this property is revoked and he then gives £20 20s to his
nephew Gregory in lieu.
Witnesses : As above