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Ann Bilton - 24th October 1787 - V030

York, Widow

To my niece Ann Fentiman, wife of William Fentiman of York, Bricklayer, my real estate in Felliscliffe now occupied by John Darnbrough. At her death, the same to her children.

To my niece Mary Prince, wife of William Prince of York, Silk Weaver, my real estate in Felliscliffe now occupied by Francis Robinson, chargeable with £100 to my niece Ann, and £100 to my niece Margaret Horner, wife of Joseph Horner of York, Butter Factor.

To my niece Ann Jowett, wife of Benjamin Jowett, of Camberwell, Surrey, Furrier, £800.

To William Bilton and Francis Bilton, sons of George Bilton, late of York, £100 each.

To my niece Elizabeth Riley, wife of John Riley of Leeds, Upholsterer, £100.

To my niece Frances Riley, wife of ? Riley, of Aldwark, £100.

To William Bilton of Birstwith, and Henry Jowett of York, £10 10s each.

To William Bilton of York, and Ann Harrison, wife of Robert Harrison of York, each a mourning ring.

The residue of my estates to Ann Fentiman, Mary Prince, and Ann Jowett.

I appoint William Bilton of Birstwith, and Henry Jowett as executors.

Witnesses : Samuel Smithson, James Collins, Edward Richardson

Inrolled 15th June 1791





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