John Bickerdike - 21st May 1794 - W017
Killinghall, Farmer
To my son John Bickerdike and daughter Ann
Bickerdike, and my new born son [Named Items].
The residue of my personal estate to my brother Matthew
Bickerdike and brother-in-law John Burrow, Upon Trust, to
sell as they see fit to raise £70 in order they may discharge my
debt of £60, and interest, on a promissory note. Residue of the
£70 to go to my wife, Hannah Bickerdike.
From the residue £40 each to my three children as
they reach 21.
My wife be allowed to occupy my farm and have the
profits, and to have any residue of my personal estate that might
remain after the above legacies have been met.
Witnesses : William
Hornshaw, Mark Swale