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Stephen Broadbelt - 29th May 1799 - X028

Killinghall, Innkeeper

The three houses and five closes called Great Close, Little Close, Laith Close, Allotment and Webster Garth, at Killinghall, now occupied by myself and William Baldison, to my wife Ellen Broadbelt, chargeable with :

£70 each to my sons John Broadbelt, Stephen Broadbelt, and William Broadbelt, and £50 each to my daughters, Ellen Broadbelt, Elizabeth Broadbelt, and Mary Broadbelt. All to be paid when they reach 24.

The two houses in Killinghall, now occupied by William Gibson and Christopher Wray to my wife.

The parcel of land called High Jackson Garth in Killinghall to my sons.

The house in which I now live to my wife who is to pay the interest on £500 that I owe to James Collins of Knaresborough. At her death the same to all my children.

Residue of my estate to my wife whom I appoint executor.

Witnesses : James Collins, Edward Richardson, Miles Robinson

Codicil - 31st December 1801

Since my Will I have bought off William Williamson a house and land at Killinghall which I now give to my wife.

Witnesses : Edward Richardson, Joseph Holiday, Thomas Stead

Inventory available.

Probate 27th January 1802




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