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Private Percy Anderson


Harrogate Herald - 9th May 1917


Private Percy Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs W Anderson, [William Anderson, 40 Skipton Street] of Skipton Street, Harrogate, who was wounded on the 24th April, writing home prior to this casualty, says : We have just had a week in the trenches, and while we were up there old Fritz did a bunk, so of course we went over and after him. It was great sport. All we did was simply walk over without a shot being fired at us. Of course Fritz was burning all the villages as he retired. He didn't intend to leave much behind. It was our aeroplanes who first found out he was retiring, and of course they gave us the tip, and we went over after him, but at the same time I and two other chaps had a very narrow squeak from being killed. We were walking across the open when Fritz started shelling. The first one dropped about twenty yards from us, and I could hear another one coming closer, so I shouted to the others to follow me and run for it. Well, off I went as fast as I could go, and with it being dark I ran into some very thick barbed wire entanglements, and there we were absolutely stuck fast and the shells were getting closer every time, so I struggled and tugged to get out of the wire, and in time I got free. I pulled myself together, and started off again until I dropped into a trench with the other two close behind me. Lucky for me, I knew where that trench was. However, here we are still smiling. You would have laughed if you could have seen me the last night in the trenches. I was walking on top of the parapet to save me going through about four feet of water and mud, when I slipped, and down I went full length in all this water and mud. I was in a state when I pulled myself out. I had to laugh myself. I did look an object, wet through and covered from head to foot with mud.


Harrogate Herald - 2nd January 1918

W H Breare letter

Private W Steel lives at Poplar Grove, Bilton. He is in a pioneer battalion of a Yorkshire regiment. Dunn, who is in the Municipal Offices, and Hood, formerly signalman at Bilton crossing, were drafted into his regiment three months ago. He tells me one Herald does for the three. Steel has been out a year and nine months. He returns from leave on New Year's Day. By the way, he met Stockburn, of Denmark Street, soon after he went out, likewise Anderson, of Skipton Street. Steel was 15 years at Messrs Newby and Co, James Street.


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