Harrogate Herald - 2nd May 1917
B R Holt of HMS Resolution writes :
It is with great interest I read your weekly letter to "Our
Boys on Service" in the Herald. No doubt you are wondering what
Harrogate boy is on the above ship. Well, to introduce myself, I am
the son of Mr & Mrs Holt who are at present living at
Richardson's, 45 Cold Bath Road. [They are not shown in the street
directory : H & F Richardson, confectioner, 45 Cold Bath Road]
Although I don't remember meeting you, I have often heard of your
untiring work. It is five years since I lived at Harrogate. The last
three years I have spent on battleships travelling all over the
world. I have seen service at the Dardenelles and Salonica, and also
German East Africa, and have now settled down in the North Sea,
which, of course, seems only vague, but I cannot tell you where.
Previous to the war I spent two years around Plymouth and Cornwall,
so you can quite understand why I seem a stranger to you, yet you
seem no stranger to me. I still feel proud to think I am a Harrogate
boy and always regard your letter as one to me as well as boys who
have always been there. Your paper is forwarded to me by my parents,
whom, no doubt, you know. The first time I get the opportunity of
coming to Harrogate I should very much like to see you; the man who
writes such breezy and interesting letters, which I think contain
more news than any part of the paper. I notice in letters you
receive the boys tell you as much as they can what they are doing.
Of course I cannot say much. Life on a ship is rather monotonous. My
duties are chiefly looking after the sick on board, which is very
good taking the average. The works is interesting, but of course our
busiest time is when we go into action and have the wounded to tend.
I haven't experienced it up here yet, but at the "Dard's"
I had plenty of it, especially the landing at Cape Hellas. But to go
back to the present life. The evenings are the only monotonous time
both for the staff and patients, and it has occurred to me that
probably amongst your numerous friends there is someone who has a
gramophone and a few records which they would like to sell me
second-hand, so that we could have a tune in the evenings. If so,
would you let me have one, and in doing so you would be doing not
only me a great favour, but many a man who often thinks of his home
which he has left to do his duty to his King and country. Remember
me to any of the Harrogate boys, and let me take this opportunity of
thanking you personally for your interesting letter.