Harrogate Herald - 29th December 1915
The committee of Knaresborough ladies who organised
a Xmas gift fund for sending parcels to local soldiers and sailors
with the expeditionary forces and on the high seas have been deeply
gratified and richly rewarded with a shoal of appreciative letters
received by Miss J M Alexander (hon. secretary) from the boys on
service for King and country. We have pleasure in inserting the
first batch, and others will be given in subsequent issues :
December 17th - Dear Madam, On behalf of myself and comrades we
all thank you heartily for the welcome parcels you sent us. I am
sure we shall all enjoy the contents, and especially as we shall be
in the trenches for Christmas, but we are all in the best of spirits
and all proud to be soldiers of our King and country in this war,
and we all hope with luck to return safely home. We thank all the
friends for the parcel, and wish them all a happy Christmas and
peaceful New Year. We remain, yours sincerely, Private G Wilkinson. Private
T Howard. Private R McRooney.