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Lieutenant Tom Knowles


Harrogate Herald - 28th February 1917

Roll of Honour

Lieutenant T Knowles, of the South Staffs Regt, son of Mr J Knowles, assistant stationmaster, 49 Station Parade, Harrogate, has been wounded. He was in the fighting of February 17th, and was the first hit by shrapnel, which cut through his pack and knocked him down. Soon after he was struck on the face by a flat piece of shrapnel, which bruised him, but made no wound. Eventually he was hit in the left thigh and put out of action. His wound is a large flesh one, but fortunately no bones were broken. He is now in hospital in France and is progressing favourably.


Harrogate Herald - 4th July 1917

W H Breare letter

I am sorry to commence my letter this week with pathetic news, but I know you are strong enough to take the bad with the good. Our old friend John Knowles, assistant stationmaster, passed away on Wednesday night. There is one happy phase in connection with this bereavement that will give you satisfaction. It is that the soldier sons of whom I spoke were in time to see their father alive. Lieutenant Tom Knowles is in the Lord Furness Hospital, which is the Grand Hotel, recovering from a wound in the leg. Billy Knowles is home on leave. I had been wondering and worrying whether the boys would get home in time. I am much relieved to find that they have had this privilege, though it was a joyless home-coming. Although, towards the last, we were led to expect our friend's death, yet when it did come it was a shock, we liked him so. That old adage is very true - "Misfortunes never come singly". We had not recovered from the loss of Mrs Purvis, the stationmaster's wife, when this further blow fell. We can keep Knowles' memory green, and we shall do so, shall we not? His was a personality not to be forgotten. I grieve to think of the break in this happy family. May the memory of a good husband and father bring them perpetual sunshine!


Harrogate Herald - 4th July 1917

[Extract from the Obit of John Knowles] He leaves a widow, two sons, and a daughter to mourn his loss, to whom much sympathy will be extended. Of his two sons, Lieutenant T Knowles was fortunately able to reach home a few days before his father passed away. His other son is Quartermaster-Sergeant W Knowles.

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