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Lance Corporal E Lowrey


Harrogate Herald - 10th January 1917

W H Breare letter

Lance Corporal E Lowrey writes : 

Dear Mr Breare, At last I am able to write you a few lines; you must think by now I had forgot you, but I have not and never shall. The reason I have not wrote is we have been so busy and nearly always on the move, that I have not had a chance to write. Well, the first thing I must do is to thank Mrs Murray very much for a very nice wristlet watch, which I received last week. It was a surprise and came in very handy as I had broke mine, and as I am corporal of the police I was in a bit of a fix when it came to timing my men, but Mrs Murray has nicely got me out of that difficulty, and I thank her very much; also you and your paper for kindly letting those wants known. My next surprise was a very nice parcel from Miss Stuart. It was quite a treat and I thank her very much; she has always been a good friend and I am sure she had worked very hard for the boys during this war. It would please some of these ladies if they could only see some of these lads when they get a parcel or letter - it is the only bit of comfort we get, and it makes one wonder and study. The war has done one good turn, and that is it has made many a man think more of home and friends than they have done before. Now, I should like to have sent you and these ladies who have been so kind to me a Xmas card from France, but when I tell you I have not seen a shop or woman or child - nothing but soldiers, mud and rain - since September 1st, you will know that I have not been able to obtain anything of the kind. You must excuse writing and mistakes, as I am writing this under a bivouac and of course it is ???ing how heavy it can rain and forcing its way through the top. Well, I shall have to close now wishing you and all your readers a very happy New Year.

PS - Some time ago I read where you were sending out shirts and vests which had been worn. Now, it you could obtain me anything like that I should be very pleased, as washing is a ???????? here, and you can never get them dry, and in many cases they are not fit to wash on account of the insects. Do you know of anything to remove them as they are worse than the Germans?

Again thanking you.


Harrogate Herald - 24th October 1917

W H Breare letter

Lance Corporal E Lowry, of the 18th Labour Company, who is on light railway construction work, is the son of Mrs E Lowry, 21 Bower Road. He came to see me on Saturday. He has been 17 months out and this is his first leave. Private J O Walton, of Mayfield Grove, is in his lot. Lowry brought news home from Private Holmes to his people, who live in Alma Terrace. Holmes was barman before the war at the Dragon Hotel. He was well, and expecting to come home on leave shortly. My caller looked in good form and so I was surprised to hear that he had been in hospital with a touch of valvular disease of the heart. Since he was discharged he is feeling better than ever. I was interested to hear from Lowry that he received the Herald each week whilst in hospital. Australians, New Zealanders, and other boys he found just as keen to get the paper, and it went the round until there was not much left of it.


Harrogate Herald - 20th March 1918

Breare letter

To Lance Corporal E Lowrey : Thanks for sending Private Farnell his paper. I have noted his address.



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