The Stump Cross
The Stump Cross Caverns
The Traveller to Harrogate
When seeking beauties round about,
If he would see some wonders great,
Should visit one, there's not a doubt.
Some four miles west of Pateley Bridge
When from the Town he's outward bound,
Among the rugged cliff and ridge
The Stump Cross Caverns may be found.
Beneath the surface fifty feet,
And varying in size and height,
These mighty hollows one may meet,
At once a marvel and delight;
Therein, with wondrous stalactites
The vaulted roofs are studded o'er,
While, sister–wonders, stalagmites
Run up to meet them from the floor.
The Pillars Cave, with columns decked,
In miniature's a paradise,
And inside, beauteous in effect,
A well, the "Fairy Fountain" lies.
The "Parlour" 's one of many caves
Where visitors, a time, should be,
For Nature shaped its form in waves,
As though she'd petrified the sea.
There's one, the "Snowdrift," – dazzling white,
The " Crystal Column " stately stands,
From floor to roof, a wondrous sight,
Constructed by no human hands;
And in the " Church," like organ pipes,
Some stalactites, arranged, are found,
And music from these wondrous types
When struck, goes echoing round and round.
And some like swans are seen to be,
And, to our awed imaginings,
In one a large white hen we see,
With chickens spread beneath her wings.
As round these mighty caves we gaze,
Where wonders in the shadows lurk,
Our minds are filled with rapt amaze
At Nature's marvellous handiwork;
How finite seem the works of man,
How evanescent in effect,
When we these gorgeous caverns scan,
And bow before their Architect.