William Hardisty - 26th July 1801 - X067
Leeds, Grocer
My Copyhold property at Norwood, Parish of Fewston, now occupied by
Joseph Stubbs and Henry Stubbs, and my personal estate to my two brothers
Joshua Hardisty and Thomas Hardisty, Upon Trust to sell and use the money for :
The maintenance of my two children William Hardisty and Ann
An annuity of £8 to my wife Mary Hardisty.
All my household furniture to my wife, and my executors to allow her sufficient money to enable her to follow the business of Grocer.
When William reaches 21 I give to my two children (William receiving ¼ more than his sister
Ann) the residue of the money above, with the proviso that Ann to receive £20 when she reaches 21.
Witnesses : Samuel Simpson, James Andrews, Marsha Brown