William Stubbs - 9th January 1799 - X117
Beckwithshaw, Parish of Pannal, Gentleman
My land and house at Shawfield Head, Parish of Pannal, now occupied by
Thomas Briggs, also the wood to the South, now occupied by me, to my son
Abraham Stubbs, chargeable with an annuity of £6 6s to my wife
Hannah Stubbs.
Also chargeable with £650 to my six daughters as follows :
£100 to Martha Jackson.
£100 to Margaret Nelson.
£110 to Mary Webster.
£110 to Ann Oates.
£110 to Hannah Whitaker.
£120 to Alice Stubbs.
All my real estate at Beckwith and Harlow Hill, now occupied by me, to my son
William Stubbs, chargeable with an annuity to my wife of £6 6s.
The residue of my real and personal estate to my sons Abraham and
William, and appoint them executors.
Witnesses : James Collins, Edward Richardson, Samuel Powell
Probate 17th September 1806. effects under £100.