Harrogate Herald - 3rd March 1915
Recruiting in Harrogate during the
month of February has been fairly brisk. The names of those who have
enlisted through the medium of the Recruiting Office in Station
Square are as follows : T H Potter, R Cornall, T Johnson, H
Massheder, J McLaughlin, Percy Cash, H Morrell, C J Summersall, F G
Squire, C E Crossley, A J Lale, A Dewar, C Lewis, A Addison,
G Addison, G McGuire, M J Lyons, G E Mathers, W Tipling, E Marshall,
W Younger, C Tranill, H B Broadley, G T Gamage, Ingham, Dobby,
Brearley, Riley, E Simpson, J W Lamb, E Shackleton, P C Moorey, J
Roker, F Slinger, A Harrison, W A Wray, J Elsworth, J A Bayley, F V
Thackwray, W Smithson, and Stephen Fountain.
This list does not include those joining the
colours through the Westminster Chambers agency, nor those who join
the Yorkshire Hussars and Yorkshire Dragoons direct