Harrogate Herald - 25th April 1917
Private F R Duerden, writing from Lord Derby's War Hospital,
Warrington, says :
I beg to thank you for having sent the Harrogate paper to me at
the Front. The last copy I received was handed to me just before I
came out of the trenches to go into hospital, on the afternoon of
Friday, March 30th. It has been most enjoyable to read the news of
Harrogate and district week by week. One is able to forget the
trenches and the new surroundings when reading your paper, which
transfers our thoughts back to dear old Harrogate and those we love
at home. I am going to a Convalescent Home at Lytham, I expect, very
shortly. I was bad with septic poison in the left leg and with
rheumatism. The septic is better, but the "screws" still
torment me.