Harrogate Herald - 17th October 1917
Roll of Honour
Mr & Mrs J Knowles, 58 Dragon Avenue, Harrogate (formerly of
Birstwith), have received official notice that their son, Lance
Corporal Hubert Knowles, died on September 16th at a casualty
clearing station in France from wounds received the same day by a
bomb from an enemy aeroplane. Before the war he was manager of one
of the Huddersfield branch shops of the Argenta Meat Company. Lance
Corporal Knowles joined the Forces last November and went out to
France in February. Their youngest son, Driver C Knowles, has been
with the RFA in France since January, 1916, and their son-in-law, Private
S Ellis, has been missing since May 3rd. Any news of him would
be gratefully received by his wife, Mrs Ellis, 51 Cecil
Street, Bilton, Harrogate.