Harrogate Herald - 10th October 1917
W H Breare letter
I mentioned Fawcett, an old member of the original
Harrogate Volunteers, who went out to Australia or New Zealand, and
who has been fighting in France. From a private letter I learn that Fawcett
is missing, and nothing as yet has come from careful enquiries. He
was a joiner, and, I believe, at one tine worked on the Sheepshanks
estate. To call him to mind, I must mention that he was a tall, thin
man, with blue eyes, and used to do a good deal of shooting at Birk
Crag with the Volunteers. If I mistake not, he often shot with the
Harrogate Civilian Rifle Club.
Harrogate Herald - 9th January 1918
W H Breare letter
H B Scholes, of Cecil Street, has had fourteen days' leave, and
came to see me. He is on transport work at the moment. He was a
member of the Harrogate Male Voice Choir. I am glad to say he found
his people at home all well. He had met Walter Little, plasterer, of
Pannal Ash; Fawcett, barman at the Ship; Crosthwaite, who was
at the Baths; "Major" Dent, son of Mr R Dent, Mayfield
Grove. Scholes has never ailed anything, and looks it.