Harrogate Herald - 15th December 1915
Photo - On Monday Mr Justice Bargrave Deane, in the
Probate Court, heard an application by the father of Joseph
Seanor, otherwise Holgate, a Private in the West Riding
Regiment, and formerly on the postal staff at Harrogate, for a grant
of administration.
Counsel said the man died on November 21st, 1914, a
wounded prisoner of war in Germany, and died in the field hospital
at Menin, intestate, and without issue. He enlisted in 1899, in the
name of Joseph Holgate, and in 1907 he was married in
Birmingham in that name to Annie -----. She had not taken a grant of
administration. The estate consisted of £76 gratuity, payable by
the Post Office, and also £58 payable by the Postman's Federation
Mutual Benefit Society. He was on the postal staff at the time he
rejoined the Army. After his marriage, he saw his wife at intervals.
They did not live together continuously. When he obtained his
discharge from the Army in 1907, they lived together for a
fortnight, near Leeds. His wife then left him and returned to
Birmingham. The only address he had was "The GPO,
Birmingham". In 1911 she wrote her husband a letter which ended
by saying :"If you care to say good-bye, you can write to the
Post Office".
His Lordship granted administration to the deceased's father.