Harrogate Herald - 3rd March 1915
February 26th, 1915
Dear Editor, Just a few lines to report all well, and also regular arrival of the Harrogate Herald. By the assistance of its columns,
Jackson (late of Messrs J Farrah, Limited) found my address, also Wright, of the West Yorks. I have had letters from both. We have been having a brief spell of rest after seven weeks in action, and are once more thinking of chipping in. I think there is a little improvement in our weather. We are hoping it will keep up; and trade will be better in our line then. It would be the best way to have a good wade in and make a quick finish of the game. Shall be able to say more perhaps when we have moved into action again, so it is very quiet in this region; nothing doing at all. With best wishes to staff, and all the boys on service, I remain
Yours sincerely,
G Ramsden
Harrogate Herald - 21st February 1917
W H Breare letter
Many of you boys may know Private Fred Jackson, RAMC, who was actively associated with the Harrogate YMCA before the war. I am pleased to tell you he has been awarded the Medal Militaire. He was previously mentioned in one of General Sir J French's despatches.
Harrogate Herald - 7th March 1917
W H Breare letter
It is a long while ago since we gave a series of photos of soldiers' homes and people, and sent copies out to the boys interested. We gave one of
Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Nidd, in the garden of their home. Mr Edward Compton went with us in the car when the photo was taken. It is the son,
Fred Jackson, who has received from the French the Medalle Militaire recently. He worked for Farrah Ltd., the toffee specialists, of Crescent Road, Harrogate, before the war. We may reproduce that photo today, but I never can be sure, because new demands on the photo page crop up the last minute many a week.
Harrogate Herald - 9th January 1918
Photo Page
Military Wedding - Private Fred Jackson, RAMC, eldest son of
Mr and Mrs Jackson, Nidd Bridge, and Miss Mabel Horner, West Tanfield.