Claro Times – 27th
February 1915
As we announced last
week, Lieutenant A J R Lamb, DSO, son of Mr and Mrs W R
of Goldsborough Hall, has been invalided from service, on account of
constant exposure in the fighting line. He has arrived at
Goldsborough Hall, and is making satisfactory progress.
In simple language
Lieutenant Lamb narrates the story of how he won the DSO, and also
the decoration of the Croix de Chevalier of the Legion of Honour
from the French military authorities : "We were perfectly
peaceful in billets, and I was going to shave, when a perfect hail
of bullets and shells poured into our village, killing heaps of our
horses. We managed somehow to collect men in all states of undress,
and I collected just enough of my men to fire my machine guns. The
enemy had apparently sneaked up to within eight hundred yards, with
their artillery, under cover of a thick morning mist, and took us
unawares. Well, we fired several thousand rounds through our machine
guns, and everyone behaved splendidly. The enemy's guns were
silenced in about half-an-hour. Some people say that my guns did the
trick. I don't know if it is true, but anyhow, after a very sharp
battle, we got them out of it, and in counter-attack we captured
eight or ten guns and lots of prisoners".
About the same time in a letter
describing life at the Front, he says : "I hadn't my boots off
for a week. It is extraordinary how one gets used to it. As long as
you can keep warm and fairly dry, taking ones clothes off is quite a
secondary consideration. The men and ourselves are being excellently
fed, and we all get as much as we want".