Harrogate Herald - 25th
April 1917
W H Breare letter
Signalman J W Noble looked in
on Monday. He is a son of Mr and Mrs Noble, of Crab Lane, Bilton. He
was in to see me last January, and is now again on leave, [..] days,
perhaps a little more. Noble was as well and jolly as ever. I was
pleased to see him. You know these naval lads are silent chaps. They
have plenty to tell, but they are not allowed. I've mentioned Douglas
Lee, who was his chum. Lee, if you remember, went down in
the Jutland Battle. Noble has been in the navy four years; prior to
that he was in the grocery department of the Co-operative Stores in
Harrogate Herald - 2nd June
In loving memory of Douglas
Arthur Lee, AB Seaman, who lost his life on the Black Prince in
the Jutland Battle, May 31st, 1916 - We shall meet again; the same
sunny smile will greet me when the sea gives up its dead - Mother