Harrogate Herald - 17th January 1917
S P Pett, who is at the Front with a lot more Harrogate
and district lads, writes :
Just a line to thank you for the parcel I received last night
while I was in the trenches. I have given the things out to the
boys. All of them wish to thank you very much. The things were just
what they wanted. As I told you it is very cold out here just now. I
want to ask you to thank the senders, as I have very little time,
and cannot write to them all. We have been having a rough time just
lately. We were shelled out of our billets on New Years Eve - a nice
start for the year - but I am pleased to say that no one was hurt.
Two or three huts got a shell in, but all the men had been taken
out. I am hoping to be on leave very soon, but I don't know when,
but when I do come I will call and see you, as I have a lot to tell