Harrogate Herald - 2nd January 1918
Gunner Herbert Simpson writes :
Was sorry to see so many of the
Harrogate boys have been wounded and given their lives to the cause.
It was a great shock to me to hear of Mr Walter Ogden's death. I
used to be stationed hear him for some considerable time, and we
used to often meet and talk of the good old times we used to have at
Harrogate, and hoped that the war would soon be over so that we
could get back home again. The last time I saw him he said they were
just pulling out to go south on rest for the winter, so you may
guess what a shock it was when I saw his photo and report of his
death in the paper. I have not seen many Harrogate men since I came
out, but there is one ion the same battery as myself, and the same
name too.