Harrogate Herald - 16th January 1918
W H Breare letter
I had a call from George Alsop, of New Park, who is
on 14 days' leave. He is in the Labour Company. One of his
companions is Johnson, who was in the Harrogate Recruiting Office.
Alsop assured me that men in France were used to best advantage.
They have sifted from the labour companies and other units men fit
for active branches of the fighting service. He was picked out owing
to apparent physique, but his eyesight is so bad that he had to
remain in the Labour Company. Alsop told me that some time ago we
gave what was supposed to be a portrait of J M Simpson, of
the Australians, of Dale Bank, Pateley. He said it was not his
photo. Simpson has been through Gallipoli, and has been in
the Forces two years. I hope to obtain his portrait to make good
this accident. When Alsop was called up he had a shop, which his
wife is now looking after. I hope both of them will have the best of
Harrogate Herald - 6th February 1918
Photo Page - Nidderdale Men with the Colours
J N Simpson, Australians, son of Mrs Simpson, Dale
Bank, Pateley Bridge