Harrogate Herald - 29th January 1919
W H Breare letter
Whilst we were conversing Driver W Horner, of 37 Albert Road,
Bilton, came in. he was working for the Corporation when he joined
up, and prior to that at Farrah's he was with the Artillery, but was
transferred to the ASC as horseman. He has been away three years and
two months, and was in the Serbian retreat, at Salonica, at the fall
of Jerusalem, and in France, being wounded a fortnight after landing
there. This got him to Blighty. He has kept remarkably well during
his varied experiences. He wears the 1915 Ribbon. He met Pitkin, of
New Park, and Bombardier Smith during his wanderings. He was
buried in a dug-out, which blinded him of one eye. He was sent to
England on 21st July, and was in hospital in the South of England,
and at Blackpool. Driver Horner recalled an instance where they had
28 horses attached to a gun in an awkward spot, which they could not
remove, but half a dozen mules on being tethered did the trick.
Horner admitted to a companion in Palestine that there was some
beautiful country in the East, but added, "Give me Harrogate,
you can't beat it". Both he and Clark said that their comrades,
who had never been to Harrogate, were always anxious for a glance at
the Herald.