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Private H A Tomlin


Harrogate Herald - 2nd May 1917

Wednesday Gossip

Writing to friends at the Bar Chapel, Private H A Tomlin, RAMC, who is proceeding shortly overseas from Blackpool, expresses deep gratitude and appreciation to friends that he made at the above place during his stay of nine months in Harrogate. He asks me to convey to all his best thanks to the members of the Bible Class, and to those who worked hard Sunday by Sunday in providing tea for the soldiers, he sends thanks on behalf of the soldiers, who enjoyed these gatherings at the Bar Sunday School. He hopes those who worship Sunday by Sunday in that sanctuary will do all in their power to make the work a great success and a blessing to all.


Harrogate Herald - 1st August 1917


Private H A Tomlin writes : 

We are enjoying the privilege of a rest now as our Division has come out of action after a splendid effort to crush German barbarians, but still more has to be done. I have met plenty of Harrogate lads recently, and they all have the longing to be back in the old town and at the old job. I had previously heard of the air raid on London. I am sure it must have been an anxious time for thousands of people, as an air raid is not a pleasant experience, having myself been in one in London previous to coming out to France. Nature is at its best now out here, and it makes one wonder how it is that war could be surrounded by the grand works of nature.


Harrogate Herald - 13th February 1918


Private H A Tomlin expresses his thanks for the Herald, and says : 

It affords much pleasure and passes away an hour or so. We are still busy with our rest station for the men who come down from the line sick or worn out by their strenuous duties. We are enjoying the time spent here, as it refreshes you for your future work in the line. I was in Harrogate a fortnight ago for two days while on leave, but time being so short I was unable to call and see you. Most of my time I was in Walthamstow. I was very surprised at the quietness of Harrogate. Yesterday we had a "presentation parade" when 60 men from our Ambulance were awarded the 1914 Ribbon - quite a good percentage.


Harrogate Herald - 10th April 1918

Private A Tomlin [probably H A Tomlin] writes :

I am now with another ambulance in the "Uncomparable" 29th Division. I am just down for a rest of four days after stretcher bearing in the line for nine days. I had one or two exciting moments whilst up the line, when "Jerry" began to get a bit spiteful, but, of course, it is all part of the "war" but still you seem to feel as safe as "houses" when you have your steel helmet and box respirator on. Perhaps you would like to hear of a self-sacrificing deed of a friend of mine. He was assisting in bearing wounded men down from the line, when he was caught in gas, and unfortunately the wounded man had no box respirator on, so my friend risked his own life, and put his box respirator on the unfortunate man who was helpless, and in doing so he saved the man's life, but he risked his own. He was rather badly gassed, but I think he will recover after a time. I think it was a splendid act. He was stationed for some time in the Royal Army Medical Corps in Harrogate. With best wises to you.


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