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H Spencer Toy


Harrogate Herald - 14th March 1917

W H Breare letter

You will have noticed the review column in the Herald, and that it has been signed by certain initials. I can tell you now that Mr H Spencer Toy, one of the masters at Ashville College, has rendered us a great service by reviewing books that we had not time to examine. He was under the B1 category, and, therefore, exempted for a time, but he is now called up, so will be unable to continue this work. We shall be very sorry to lose him, for he is a man of great discrimination and literary power. He also has youth on his side, so his future, if spared, I consider promises rich fulfilment. He has recently been made an Associate of the Institute of Journalists. A man dos not gain this distinction without having shown literary attainment and actual journalistic experience.


Harrogate Herald - 25th April 1917

W H Breare letter

Mr H Spencer Toy, who was our chief reviewer, I told you was called up. He is serving in the Army Ordnance Corps. Last Wednesday he was put on the draft to go to France, and made no complaint. It happened, however, that he was withdrawn out of the draft on account of his education and training, and appointed to a vacancy in the main office. Mr Toy has already been able to realise the supreme value of the soldiers' clubs run by various churches and institutions. He thinks those who organise them to have no idea what a great work they are doing, for it is impossible for any civilian to realise what these places mean to the soldiers. The clubs preserve the boys from temptations of public-houses. Mr Toy says, "Tell the Harrogate people to keep it up; it is a thousand times worth while". The soldiers feel it is a supreme expression of nobility. It seems so simple, yet it means so much.


Harrogate Herald - 22nd August 1917

W H Breare letter

I have had a letter from Mr H Spencer Toy, who was science master at Ashville College, but who was called up. He tells me they hear nothing at all in the way of news out where he is. Mr Toy for a long time was our principal reviewer of books, and he did it exceedingly well.


Harrogate Herald - 31st October 1917

W H Breare letter

I have an acceptable letter from Mr H Spencer Toy, our former reviewer and one of the principal masters at Ashville College, now on military service. I was much interested to know he has been lecturing to hundreds of soldiers on astronomy. Rather a useful subject when scouting is concerned. He has found the men much engrossed in his lecture series. Mr Toy is out in Palestine, and he says he is having some very happy times in spite of uncongenial surroundings. When he wrote he had given his seven lectures and still continuing. He gets 400 or 700 men attending them. He little though once upon a time that he should be delivering University extension courses in the desert, but, as he says, there is nothing for the men to do and the stars are about the only things there are to see. The night before he wrote he was lecturing at one of the officers' casualty clearing stations out there, on dimensions.


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