Harrogate Herald - 25th April 1917
2nd AM J Wilcockson says :
I see by the Herald that my chum, J Padgett, has
been on a month's leave. I should be very much obliged if you could
give me his address, as I have not heard from him for some time.
It's very hot again out here, also a few sandstorms now and again,
and flies - "Whew!". I enclose photo of Turkish prisoners
passing through Cairo. Trusting this finds you well and wishing your
interesting paper, for which I thank you, every success. PS - Met a
Harrogate chap the other evening. He worked at Mr Clarke's, James
Street, so had a good chat about the old town.
(We have Private J Padgett's address, but unfortunately the
writer does not enclose his address, otherwise we could have let him
have the address by return post. We are not allowed to publish them
in the paper, so will Wilcockson send us his address - Ed)