Harrogate Herald - 23rd May 1917
Private T Wiley writes :
I have only come across one Harrogate chap who is
still here. I had a long chat with him - Sgt Styan, of ASC. He is
still receiving the paper and wishes to be remembered to you. Again
thanking you for the paper, which I have received regularly for
months, and wishing the paper every success.
Harrogate Herald - 5th September 1917
Private T Wiley, writing from Malta says :
Many thanks for the Herald, which I have been receiving regularly
for the past eleven months. I look forward to it coming every week
as it keeps one in touch with the old town and its doings. You will
notice b enclosed address that I have been transferred to another
hospital, which contains only mental patients. It is a much smaller
place than the last, but up to the present I am going on A1 and in
good health. The weather here is very hot indeed, practically
boiling us every day, but all the same we have to stick it, the
sweat absolutely rolling off us.
A H G Gill, who worked at Preston's picture frame
shop, a pal of Wiley's, is also here on leave. Harry Wiley,
brother of above, has been "out" a fortnight. He worked
with us on the Monotype - the machine that casts the new typo.
Herald boys will know Crawford, who works on the same machine. He is
off work, not being very well.