the efficient application of the numerous mineral waters the
Harrogate Corporation have spent nearly a quarter of a million
pounds sterling in the provision of bathing establishments. At these
places not only are the local sulphur water baths given in their
various forms-baths upon whose efficacy the reputation of Harrogate
in the main has been built-but their outstanding feature is that
virtually every approved form of balneological treatment has been
installed therein.
The Royal Baths are thoroughly replete with every modern appliance,
and are capable of giving some 1,500 treatments a day.
The Victoria Baths, recently rebuilt internally, where the prices
are slightly lower than at the Royal Baths. In the height of the
season some baths can be taken here to greater advantage, and here
also provision is made for the administration of certain alkaline
sulphur baths, not obtainable in the larger establishments.
iii. The Starbeck Baths, where alkaline sulphur water can be used at
the source.
The Harlow Car Baths, also where alkaline sulphur water can be used
at the source.
The Mechano-Therapeutic Establishment, in the Crescent Gardens,
where all forms of mechanical exercise machines, and many electrical
treatments and dry massage couches are installed.
should be mentioned that in addition to the well-equipped bathrooms
and dressing-rooms, other apartments luxuriously furnished for the
comfort of visitors are provided for waiting, reading, writing,
cooling-off and refreshments. The spacious Hall and Winter Gardens
at the Royal Baths are admirably adapted for promenading.
Space only allows of short descriptions of but a few of the Baths
and Treatments :-
principle Baths of Harrogate, and on which, together with the
waters, the reputation of the Spa has been built up. There are two
distinct varieties-saline-sulphur and alkaline-sulphur water, which
are used in different types of diseases. The former is used chiefly
in gout, rheumatism, and hepatic disorders, though it is also of
great service in diseases of the skin. The possession of different
strengths of waters available is obviously of no little value, for
the course can be gradually adjusted from the weakest up to the
strongest bath, without overtaxing the powers of the patient.
Sulphur Baths are also used as a preliminary to the inunction of
mercury or other medicament.
used mainly in cases of skin disease, supplemented if need be by the
more stimulating Saline Sulphur Baths. They are given in cases of
eczema, more especially the chronic forms, and particularly those of
a gouty nature ; in all forms of psoriasis, excepting those in
acutely hynerxmic conditions ; in pityriasis unless very acute ; in
all forms of pruriginous eruptions ; in parasitic affections ; in
urticaria, acne, lichen-planus, erythema and many other disorders.
constant, interrupted, and sinusoidal currents are each available,
and may be used to induce restoration of contractile power in cases
of muscular weakness or atrophy, resulting from nerve lesions or
essential muscular dystophy ; for example, atrophy following
neuritis, lead poisoning, injury to nerve, disease of joints, loss
of power from sight, hemiplegia, progressive muscular atrophy, tabes
dorsalis. Certain cases of neurasthenia, the latent forms of
hysteria, and local manifestations of this disease, such as
hysterical paralysis, derive benefit from these baths. They are also
used as a general tonic measure in cases presenting no definite
disease, but suffering from general debility and want of tone.
This installation consists of six complete sets of up-to-date
apparatus, and the following modifications are used with each set :
Auto -condensation, Autoconduction, and local applications including
the Effleuve and Bi-Polar Massage. Since the introduction of the
methods they have been used in a great variety of affections, both
general and local. Among the general may be mentioned gout,
rheumatism, obesity, diabetes, neurasthenia and hysteria, anaemia
and chlorosis, phthisis pulmonalis, atonic dilatation of the stomach
and chronic colitis. Among the local affections, skin diseases are
the most prominent, and include lupus, lupus erythematosus,
psoriasis, chronic eczema, acne, rosacea.
This treatment for heart disease, &c., has been carried on
effectively at Harrogate for some years. Both the " still " and "
aerated " baths can be given at any required strength, and also the
Schott and other movements. The most suitable cases are those in the
category of dilated and failing heart, with or without valvular
disease ; early myocarditis following rheumatic fever or other acute
disease ; dilated heart resulting from contracted peripheral
circulation ; fatty heart ; tobacco heart ; and angina pectoris of
neurotic origin. The baths are also very beneficial in cases of
chronic rheumatism.
(Aix System) is a most valuable balneological agent and is
extensively used.
patient is seated on a wooden stool, or reclines on a board, and a
continuous needle spray is directed against the spine, while massage
is administered by one or more attendants, under a warm douche
conveyed by a flexible tube passing over the shoulder of the masseur
and playing between his hands. This may be followed by a local hose
douche, and the bath terminates with a needle spray, warm at first,
and graduated slowly to tepid, cool or cold, according to the
requirements of the particular case. The duration of the bath is
generally twenty minutes. It is useful in a variety of affections,
the chief of which are chronic gout, and the gouty state ; chronic
rheumatic arthritis, lumbago and sciatica ; arthritis deformans ; in
toxxmia from high living with sedentary habits ; in cases of brain
fag from too assiduous work ; in obesity ; in heart disease of
peripheral origin ; and in many other disorders.
This resembles the Aix Douche in principle though differing from it
in procedure. The patient lies in a recumbent position on an
indiarubber air mattress, while massage is administered under a
spray douche projected from a series of brackets pierced with
pin-holes and suspended over the table. As in the Aix Douche, a
needle spray terminates the bath, which again generally occupies
twenty minutes. The above is usually given alone, but the complete
seance comprised in the full Vichy Bath includes a preliminary
exposure to steam heat in the Berthe apparatus, which induces free
sweating before the massage is administered.
is used in the same class of cases as the Aix Douche. There is this
difference between them, however, that the resultant effect of the
Aix Douche is to lower the blood pressure, while that of the Vichy
Douche is to raise it. Hence the latter is preferably employed when
the aim is to stimulate metabolism and at the same time to tone up
the vascular system.
designed for the application of steam heat locally to any given
portion of the body, for example, the knee, foot or hand. It
consists of both wooden and light metal cases adapted in shape to
various parts of the body and connected with a central cylinder from
which the steam is supplied. The affected limb is placed within the
case, securely packed to prevent the escape of steam and exposed to
the vapour at as high a temperature as can be borne-generally 120 to
125 degrees Fahrenheit - for a period varying up to half an hour or
more. This is usually followed by sponging with salt water and by
massage carefully applied.
is a valuable method of treatment in chronic joint affections having
a gouty rheumatic or traumatic origin. Acute gout, if carefully
handled, may also derive great relief by this means. Synovitis or
periarticular effusion following recent injury, and chronic in
duration after fracture or contusion, are materially hastened in
absorption by the heat and subsequent massage.
at Aachen, is also provided under special regulations.
Apparatus for Inhalation of Atomised Harrogate Mineral
Water.-Special rooms have been set aside for the Nasal Douche,
Throat Spray, etc., consisting of a most complete installation. Some
of the Harrogate Mineral waters have a soothing effect upon the
mucous membrane of the respiratory passages, others a stimulating
one ; and in the form of a nasal douche tend to dislodge the mucous
and crusts attaching to the lining membrane, thus removing the cause
of irritation, and securing normal circulation and secretion.
Massage (Swedish and English) and Swedish Medical Gymnastics,
Mechanical Exercises, and Mechanical Massage are undertaken by
specially selected and fully certified masseurs. This department has
been enlarged and re-organised on entirely new lines, and
arrangements have been made whereby patients can be attended at
their own residences.
all forms of local treatment undertaken during recent years at the
Royal Baths which have met with marked success, the application of
the system of intestinal lavage, with the combined bath and
sub-aqueous (" sub-massive ") douche, stands out conspicuously, and
the demand for this excellent treatment has increased so enormously
of late years as to necessitate an entire block of building being
devoted to it, until now Harrogate possesses by far the largest
installation in Europe.
treatment is administered by specially and medically trained male
and female nurses, and those familiar with the administration of
this form of treatment will readily acknowledge that the Harrogate
installation leaves nothing to be desired.
treatment is principally applicable to cases of mucous colitis,
faecal anaemia, constipation and intestinal atony (with or without
bowel irritation). The waters used are peculiarly suitable for this
treatment, owing to the sedative nature of their action on the
intestinal mucous membrane.
This department also is the largest of its kind in Europe. The baths
consist of four kinds, viz. : The Mineral Peat (peat with the
addition of Sulphur Water); The Brine Peat (peat with the addition
of Brine) ; The Electric Peat (peat with the electric current
constant) ; and the ordinary Peat Bath. Needle baths, placed in each
room, not only remove the coating of peat from the patient, but also
act as a tonic and invigorating agent. The material for these baths
is obtained from our Yorkshire moors, and consists of peaty earth,
richly charged with organic acids, and containing a small proportion
of iron, and as much as 25 tons of this peat per week are used,
every patient, of course, being guaranteed an absolutely fresh bath.
These baths are largely used in cases of chronic pelvic disorder of
an inflammatory nature. They are also given in cases of intractable
articular rheumatism, muscular rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, local
neuritis, and in certain cases of gout and arthritis deformans.
Peat compresses or packs are also given in this wing.
given either alone or as a preliminary to the Vichy Douche. The
patient enters a wooden casement in which he sits with the head
protruding through an . aperture in the top, a mackintosh sheet and
a towel being closely applied to the neck to prevent the escape and
inhalation of the vapour. Steam is then admitted to the box at a
temperature of 120 degrees. for twenty minutes or more. Certain
volatile oils, such as eucalyptus, pinol or rosemary may be
vapourized with the steam. Cases of obesity (athletes, hunting and
riding men), in whom diminution of weight is important, may resort
to this treatment with advantage. In certain cases of skin disease,
chronic eczema, lichen-planus, acne, psoriasis, the bath is useful
for the relief of irritation, or the softening and detachment of
epidermal scales.
luxuriously appointed Turkish Bath Suite, with Russian Vapour Room,
three Hot Rooms, Plunge Bath, Needle Bath and Cooling Rooms is
included in the Royal Baths Establishment, and is of course open to
the Visitor whether he be taking treatment or not. Open every day,
including Sunday. Ladies' Days, Tuesday and Friday.
This important treatment has been brought to a very efficient stage
at the Royal Baths. It consists in the transference of certain drugs
in an active condition from a pad impregnated with the given drug to
diseased tissues lying beneath the skin. This is brought about by
the agency of a weak electric constant current which conveys the
ions or elements of the drug into the body tissues. By this means
such ions as those of Lithium, Iodine, Sodium, Salicylate can be
introduced into the body in measured doses. The treatment is of
considerable importance, especially in cases of gouty, rheumatic,
and rheumatoid affections of joints, muscles, and fasciae.
an effervescent bath of carbonic acid gas, with the incorporation of
iron in the form of ferrous carbonate. It is used in the treatment
of anaemia, and is of service in uterine cases.
This, the latest form of apparatus for applying very high
temperatures to the whole or any part of the body, is Harrogate's
own design, and offers the important advantages of absolute reading
and control of temperature for every part, and improved
construction, electrical and mechanical. The baths are given usually
for periods of twenty minutes and upwards at temperatures ranging
from 200 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, and in cases where great local
heat is indicated the treatment is most valuable.
brine for these baths is directly imported from sources near
Middlesbrough, and is used in a concentrated form or diluted with
any of the varieties of sulphur water. In Sodium Chloride the
average strength of a brine bath is about ten times that of the
ordinary saline sulphur water. This brine may be used to intensify
the Carbonic Acid and other baths.
Effervescent baths similar to the Carbonic Acid are given with the
substitution of oxygen for carbonic acid gas. They are used in
similar cases and are claimed to be of greater stimulating power.
i.e., the production of considerable local rises of internal body
temperature, is a recent addition to the many methods available for
the treatment of traumatic and rheumatic affections of joints and
nerves, and its success has necessitated the installation of extra
sets of the apparatus.
its rhythmical and graduated methods of muscular exercise by
galvanic and faradic stimulation of the various muscle groups, has
been installed in duplicate. This apparatus, originally intended for
the treatment of obesity, is now being extensively used in cases of
cardiac derangements, muscular and nervous affections, insomnia,
spinal curvature, certain forms of arthritis, &c.
This treatment is also given in combination and simultaneously with
radiant heat baths, and in this form is termed the Harrogate
Bergonie Treatment.
These baths were, before their introduction into this country,
extensively used in France for the treatment of stiff joints,
contractures, and other conditions resulting from injuries sustained
by soldiers during the late war.
These baths, designed for the legs and feet, and the arms and hands,
are motor turbine driven, and an aerating device is also included,
the bath, when in operation, being a rapidly swirling and seething
mass of high temperature water, under which massage is given
success obtained in military cases has convinced the medical faculty
of the great usefulness of this new treatment for civilians.
This treatment, the latest method of dealing with stiff and painful
extremities, is one of the latest of Harrogate's curative methods,
and has already proved so successful as to necessitate the
installing of three extra sets of apparatus. The patients'
extremities are immersed in specially designed baths of molten wax
at high and constant temperature for upwards of twenty minutes,
after which massage is Immediately given.
complete installation of this valuable method of restoring use and
tone to limbs has recently been installed, and is given in
conjunction with Electric Heat, Paraffin Wax Baths, and various
kinds of the electrical current. It is interesting to note that it
is officially stated that of over 60,00o wounded soldiers who were
treated with this apparatus approximately 64 per cent. recovered so
far that they were able to rejoin the fighting line. The value of
the treatment for civilian purposes therefore need not be further
This new and valuable treatment of graduated contractions is an
electrical one. Like the Paraffin Wax and the Whirlpool treatments
it is a war discovery, and is an excellent method of dealing with
acute sprains and injuries of joint and muscle wasting. The method
consists of stimulating the contraction of the muscle by an induced
(Faradic) current, and these contractions are exactly graduated,
both as regards degree and rhythm, by the operator. The restoration
of muscle tone, the essential factor in producing recovery, is
brought about by the muscular contractions themselves and not by the
electricity per se. The current is used to make the muscle contract
to any desired extent. There is no question of giving electricity,
or of passing currents through the muscles, and any general effects
of electricity on the patient may be entirely disregarded.
This treatment is entirely new in balneological practice, but
excellent results have already been obtained in cases of nervous
troubles of various kinds-sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, loss of tone,
treatment consists of a special full length bath filled with the
particular mineral water prescribed, through which air under
pressure is being continually forced, the result being that the
patient is lying in a violently agitated volume of water.
whole Staff (upwards of zoo) has been thoroughly and specially
trained, and the majority have been constantly employed in their
particular departments for very many years, thus ensuring that
continuity and efficiency of service so desirable in such an
Want of space forbids any further description of the large variety
of healing methods obtainable, but the patient can rely upon the
fact that all treatments of proved value can be obtained at
Harrogate, and all further Harrogate information can be obtained,
free of cost by return of post, from F. J. C. Broome, General
Manager, Publicity Department, Harrogate.