By Wilfrid Edgecombe, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.
The history of the Harrogate and District General
Toc H Library
Here, in the records, is the first mention of Toc H taking over
the maintenance and distribution of a library for the use of
patients. This work its members have carried out uninterruptedly and
most efficiently up to the present day, and no words can adequately
express our gratitude to them for their devoted voluntary service.
The grounds of the new hospital were laid out by Messrs
Backhouse, of York, under the guidance of Mr Besant, the Harrogate
parks superintendent, at a cost of £285. Since then they have been
developed year by year to the attainment of their present high
standard of beauty to the joy of the patients and the admiration of
visitors to the hospital. A notable feature is the Princess Mary
Garden opposite the children's ward. In 1931 a strip of land, 1.4
acres in extent, to the north side of the hospital, was bought for
£1,000 - a very wise procedure with a view to preventing the
encroachment of house property in close proximity to the hospital,
and of providing space for future possible developments. Used
temporarily as a vegetable plot, it still awaits its ultimate
It was proposed to put up the old hospital in Avenue Road to
auction. It was bought, however, by the managing body of St Peter's
Schools for £8,000 in 1936 and still remains in their occupation.
The nurses' home adjoining the hospital was sold for £2,000.