By Wilfrid Edgecombe, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.
The history of the Harrogate and District General
The Princess Royal
Here it is appropriate to record the long and intimate
association with the hospital of the Princess Royal. In 1926 the
suggestion was made that inasmuch as Lord Harewood and his forbears
had for many years been president of the Royal Bath Hospital, how
nice it would be if Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary (as she then
was) were invited to become Patron of the Harrogate General
Accordingly an emissary was deputed to approach Her Royal
Highness to ascertain if she would graciously consent. He was
invited to lunch at Goldsborough Hall by Lord Harewood and the
Princess, and there related to them all about the hospital, its
origin, development, present status and future prospects. The
result was that Her Royal Highness kindly consented to become our
Patron, Captain C S Greenwood being president, and she remained as
such until Captain Greenwood's death in 1941, when she was
unanimously elected president.
On the "take-over" in 1948 the offices of presidents were
abolished in all hospitals, and Her Royal Highness became once
more our Patron. During all these years the Princess has taken an
active interest in the welfare of the hospital, visiting it
informally on many occasions. As has been related, she laid the
foundation stone of the new hospital in 1926, and in 1932 performed
the opening ceremony of the partially completed building. On
assuming the office of president she took the chair at the annual
meeting of governors every year from 1942 to 1948 inclusive, with
the exception of the year 1947 when she was away on the more
attractive engagement of the celebration of her silver wedding
anniversary. We are indeed honoured and proud of having Her Royal
Highness as our Patron.