John Demaine - 2nd March 1815 - AA033
Thruscross, Yeoman
To John Patrick of Thruscross, Line [Flax?] Spinner, all my personal estate Upon Trust :
To invest an amount to raise interest of £2 per year to be paid to my daughter
Grace Emsley.
To pay my son Joseph Demaine £200 in two payments, 1 and 2 years after my death.
To pay my daughter Hannah Ryder, the wife of Thomas
Ryder, £40 in two payments as before.
To pay my daughter Margaret Dibb, the wife of Robert
Dibb, 5s.
The residue of my estate to my great granddaughters Mary Buck and
Grace Buck.
Witnesses : John Hardisty, John Pullan
Codicil - 11th August 1815
Copyhold land at Thruscross is added to the Trust.
Witnesses : John Horsman, Francis Wade, William Marjerison
Died 7th January 1820. Probate 12th May 1820. Effects under £600.