At the east end of
both north and south choir aisles, are two striking windows, having
subjects based on "The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's,"
illustrating titles which Christian piety, as in the Litany of
Loretto, has applied to the Mother of our Incarnate Lord. On the
north side and at the top of this window there is a lovely figure of
Our Lady and Child, with the words, "Pray for us, Elect as the Sun,
Fair as the Moon, Gate of Heaven, as a Lily among Thorns, Tower of
David with Bulwarks." On the south side there is the Crucifixion
with the words "Tree of Life, Star of the Sea, Mirror without Spot,
Well of Living Waters." These two windows, beautiful in design and
colour, gleam through the shadowed pathways of the aisles with an
effect which is not easily forgotten.
In the south choir aisle is a three-light window of the
Resurrection, with St Mary Magdalene and St Peter.